This is a fast guide with some parameters for thicker stuff of carbon steel. Test it and make the changes if it´s necessary. 3.2mm CS 4.5mm CS 6mm CS 10mm CS 12mm CS 18mm CS Fiber Laser Department
This error occurs when the focus is at one of the limits. to eliminate it, we use the arrows located on the right side. if the error shows the negative limit press the plus symbol if the error shows the positive limit press the minus symbol After, ...
When the Fiber Laser has a problem " network time out" and the BCS100 is not working, that is because the IP address is lost Follow This steps to solve the problem Step 1 - Get machine online. Go to network property to find out at least two network ...
El siguiente artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos de la variación de los parámetros de corte por una máquina de fibra láser de 3kw, el objetivo es obtener una buena calidad de corte en placas de en hot roll steel de 0.375 in (9.5 mm) de ...