Calibration process/ Stefhany

Calibration process/ Stefhany


Step 1: Place a white paper on the work table and turn on the vacuum zones, see Image 1.

Image 1. 

Step 2: Press the “Z Axis” box and graduate the height in relation to the material, select “Test height”. The height from the surface of the material to the bottom of the printing car must be 2mm, then press “Save  Exit”, see image 2.



Image 2.

Step 3: Step adjust: Select the tab “Adjust”, press the box “Step Adjust”, locate the section “Base Step”, click on “Print Adjust” and press “Start printing” on the pop up window, see Image 3

Image 3. 

The purpose of the printing is to verify if the intersection of the lines gets done at zero (0) point. If that´s not the case, you must modify the value in the box “Print Adjust” where the intersection is achieved. See Image 4.

Image 4

Step 4: Head space: The setting of the printing heads must be done on the horizontal and vertical axis. Press “Left Adjust” and “Start printing” to generate the printing, see Image 5

Image 5. 

The purpose of the printing is to take every printing head reference to point to zero (0), Image 6 shows the reference point out of phase.

Image 6.

To fix this error, it is necessary to introduce the value of phase of each printing head (H1, H2 and H3) in the software. Notice that H2 is out of phase by a value of one thousand (1000), thus this value must be introduced in the respective box, as shown in Image 7.

Image 7.

Press “Left Adjust” again, and “Start printing” to verify that the point of reference is located on zero (0), see Image 8.

Image 8.

Once the printing is done, you must verify that the reference points are at zero (0). Image 9 the reference point at zero (0) for the printing heads 1 and 2.

Image 9.

To finish the calibration on the horizontal axis press “Right Adjust”, then press “Start printing”, as shown in Image 10, and follow the same procedure describe in the section “Left Adjust”.

Image 10.

To perform the calibration on the vertical axis, locate the section “Head vert distance adjust”,  then press “Print adjust” and “Start printing” to carry out the printing test , see Image 11.

Image 11.

The purpose of the printing is to make sure (by observation) that the colors line up with the reference lines at zero (0) point, see Image 12.

Image 12.

Are not aligned, modify the printing head box correspondent with -640 or  640 depending on the installation of the printing heads, see Image 13.

Image 13.

Now, to configure the printer, for example introduce the value -640 in the box of the printing head 3 (H3). See Image 14.

Image 14.

Step 5: Color Adjust: (calibration for the first time) line up the colors’ layers by clicking in the section “Color Adjust”, then press “Left Adjust” and “Start printing” to generate the printing. See image15

Image 15.

This process will help you to identify the printing position (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5 left) by overlapping the printed lines in relation to the black reference lines. . Each color is referenced by channels:  CH0, CH1, CH2, CH3. Each printing head is referenced through G00, G01, G02 and G03. It is very important to identify the colors’ coordinates to introduce the respective data in the software. See Image 16

Image 16

In Image 17 it is observed that the black color G00:CH0 overlaps best at zero (0) point. For G00:CH1 it is zero (0); for the cyan G00:CH2 is -1 and for G00:CH3 is -1. After determining the position for each color, introduce the values in the software.17

Image 17.

After the Head and Color Adjust is done press “Right Adjust” and “Start printing” as shown in Image 18.

Image 18

Observe the printing and determine the positions for each color. Introduce the data in the boxes correspondent to “Right adjust” as shown in image 19.

Image 19.

Note: In case of performing the calibration a second time:  add or subtract the new printout values (generated by “Left Adjust” and “Right Adjust”) to the channel values ​​(CH0, CH1, CH2 and CH3) of each head.

Step 6: Bidirect Adjust: Locate the section “Bidirect Adjust”, press “Print Adjust” then “Start Printing”, see Image 20.

 Image 20.

The purpose is to take the linearity of the marks to zero (0) point, as it is shown on Image 21. If that´s not the case, modify the box “Bidirect Value” by adding or subtracting the linearity value from 12.

Image 21.

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