Change Frequency parameter in RDWORKS / Daniel

Change Frequency parameter in RDWORKS / Daniel

Change frequency parameter in RDworks 

When we work with a radio frequency excited CO2 laser CNC, there is an extra parameter, an extra setting that must be taken into account, which is the frequency.  Frequency controls how many laser pulses per second are applied to the part being cut and it's unit of measure is Hertz (Hz). To adjust the frequency, the type of material to be cut and the cutting speed must be considered. For denser materials such as acrylic, it is advisable to cut them at a maximum frequency (approx. 20,000 Hz), thus we will have more pulsations on the material, that is, more heat on the piece, which translates into finer and brighter finishes. 

On the other hand, for softer materials such as cardboard, wood or leather, it is not advisable to use high frequencies, since it will cause the edges to be burned too much and look stained. In addition, the edge will be charred. For these materials, it is convenient to configure frequencies around 500 Hz.

If for example to cut a 1.3 mm wooden slat. thick we adjust a speed of 60 mm / s and a frequency of 500 Hz, to cut a 3 mm. thick at 30 mm / s. we will probably find an optimal frequency value around 300 Hz.

 To change the frequency in a layer in the RDWorks program follow these steps:

 Step 1
  select layer with double click and enter layer parameters

 Step 2
In "processing mode" select the button "Advance ..."

 Step 3
Select the laser freq checkbox and set the KHz value

  Step 4
Confirm with the OK button and again with OK

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