Camera calibration in RDMarkvision / Stefhany

Camera calibration in RDMarkvision / Stefhany


Step 1: Configure the initial parameters of the X and Y axes, to do this, locate the “File” tab and press “Set parameter”.

Enter the password RD8888 and press “Confirm” to access the initial parameter configuration of the machine.

Press “Read” and wait for the green vertical bar to load, then click “Write”.

Step 2: Place a sheet of paper on the work table of the machine; In the software go to the “Manual” section to familiarize yourself with the direction arrows of the laser head, then place the laser head over the area where the initial calibration mark (Circle) will be cut.

Note: The sheet of paper should stand firmly on a flat surface, if necessary tape the corners to prevent movement.

Step 3: Uncheck the “Mark first” box to continue with the procedure.

Step 4: Locate the “Model Set” section and determine the initial calibration mark by clicking on the drop-down menu identified as “Type”. Select the "Circle" option.

Note: The software has 8 marking points to make the cutting patterns, as shown in the previous image (Circle, Cross, Diamond, Elipse, Rectangle, Ring, Square, Triangle). Circles are commonly used as cutting patterns; To improve its identification, select the “black” or “white” box, depending on the color of the brand.

Step 5: After selecting the “Circle” option, enter the value 5 in the field corresponding to the diameter of the circle.

Step 6: Press the “Camera para and calibration” box and configure the camera parameters (“Contrast”, “Gain” and “Explosure”) and the light potentiometer located on the right side of the machine's operation panel, which potentiates the light from the camera, until a clear visualization is achieved.

Note: The camera hardware is configured from the factory, therefore, it is only necessary to modify what is described above, if you do not achieve a clear view when performing this step, modify the camera screws that determine the Zoom (<WT>), Brightness (<OC>) and Focus (<NF>). Only when strictly necessary.

Step 7: Use the guide to set the height between the cutting material and the head nozzle, as shown below:

Step 8: In the "Size" field, enter the diameter of the circle defined in step 5, click on "Cut circle" so that the machine cuts it on the material. Once cut, position the camera on the circle.

Step 9: Click on the "Match test" box, located at the bottom right of the "Model Set" section. A pop-up window will appear notifying the detected diameter (D = 5,043 in this case).

Note: If the camera detects different results, check the “Valid zone” box and drag the green box to reduce the area over which the camera will recognize the circle and then press “Match test”.

 Note: If the camera still recognizes different results, press the box “Camera para and calibration” and enter the value 0.1 in the box “Ratio”.

Step 10: Once you have recognized the circle, click “Match test” and memorize the value of the diameter that appears in the pop-up window (D = 5,043 in this case), in “Camera para and calibration”, locate “GraphLen” and Enter the diameter result obtained, then press “Calculate”.

Step 11: Perform the procedure explained in step 10 until the parameter D (Diameter) notified in the pop-up window is as close as possible to the diameter that was entered in step 5. The following image shows D = 5.002mm, a value very close to 5mm.

Step 12: Make the second calibration mark (Cross), position the laser head on a different area than the circle and click “Cut cross” to cut a cross on the material and check the camera alignment.

Step 13: Move the arrows that direct the laser head until the cross in the software overlaps the cross cut in the material. Reduce the speed of the head movement so that movement is slow and precise. Once the crosses are aligned, click on “Calibration” to finish the calibration.


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