The following video shows how do you have to connect the machine, chiller, resonator, and transformer to the regulator on a FLY pro 3015 If you are going to measure the voltages, make sure that you have your gloves on and use a good tester. ...
For the IPG you will have two wire groups to connect to the machine. The first one is the power wire and the second one is the communication. 1. Connect the power cable in the breaker inside the machine: The three phases to the breaker and the ground ...
1st Day 1. Take off the holders that hold the gantry 2. Install the computer 3. Make the levelation 4. Change the Laserhead driver if it´s necessary. 5. Put the arms inside the resonator cabinet and place it on the machine 6. Put the white arms on ...
1. Close the operation software and open "CypConfig" (Configuration software) Then, digit the password "61259023" 2. Then, go to "Outport" 3. In the "Auto Lubricate" section, change the interval to 2880 4. Then, Click on Save and close the ...
As you can see in the picture, there are 7 outlets and 7 inlets. From left to the right (1 to 6 outlets and outlet cylinder) connect the outlets on the top. From left to the right (1 to 6 inlets and inlet cylinder) connect the inlets on the bottom ...