How to delete all the files of the machine using RDworks? / Daniel

How to delete all the files of the machine using RDworks? / Daniel

To delete all the files that are stored in the memory of the operation panel with the RDWORKS software, follow the next steps

      1.  Open the RDworks program and connect the machine's USB cable to the USB computer port, by default the “Work” menu is activated in the work system bar

      2. To change the menu click on the "Doc" menu

  3. Move the process control bar to display the “Doc” menu control buttons

4. Press the “Read” button to read the files that the machine has

5. You can clean all files by pressing “Delete all”

6. You can delete files One by one by selecting each file and pressing “Delete”

7. You can also remove the number of duplicate copies of each file, selecting the duplicate file and pressing the "Modify Number" button, change the value to 1 and press the "set" button,

or you can activate "All files" and change to 1 value  to delete all copies of All files

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