How to set the origin position in CO2 Machine - Ruida Board / Daniel

How to set the origin position in CO2 Machine - Ruida Board / Daniel

How to set the origin position in CO2 Machine - Ruida Board

 Go to process control bar  and change in position “Current position”

There are 2 ways to cut or scan vector File or Bitmap File in RDworks,

One way is doing in the RDworks Software directly

Go to the process control bar and click "go scale" button then put the speed of the frame.

The machine is going to start the operation in the position that is the laser head.  If the movement is ok, click “start” button to start the cutting or engraving.

If the machine is not going to the right position, check the origin position and home position in  RDWorks software

Go to config Menu --> System Setting and change the position if the origin position is Top Right select this position as the image

The Second Way is to download the file to the machine and open in the operation panel Press the "File" button,   then move the laser head to the origin and press the origin button, then press  the frame button, and finally press the start button to cut or engrave

If the origin button is not working go to “Origin set+” menu and uncheck the "multi origin enable" option

If the file is cutting or engraving backward,  go to "Screen origin" and select Top Right