How to solve distortion and overspray problems? / Stefhany

How to solve distortion and overspray problems? / Stefhany

How to solve distortion and overspray problems?

The distortion in a print can be presented by a bad calibration of the Bidirectional value or the Step value, these values ​​can be modified by printing, the distortion looks as shown in the following image:

The image is distorted in the horizontal and vertical plane, to fix this problem it is necessary to modify the BiD (- OR +) and Step (- OR +) values ​​during printing, increasing or decreasing the two values ​​until the distortion is eliminated.

The overspray appears when the temperature or the voltage are not properly configured, if you notice that the print has a spray effect as seen in the following image, you must modify the voltage values ​​initially, if this does not solve the problem modify the values ​​of temperature.

The voltage values ​​are set between the values ​​-3 to 3, that is (-3, -2, -1,0,1,2,3), after setting the value in the software press Set voltage TEMP, when setting a different voltage value should be done a print test to know if the overspray improves or worsens, this will indicate that you are on the right path




If the voltage does not solve the problem, change the temperature values ​​between the range 45-55 for Besjet ink and 35-45 for Koreana ink.