Power loss in cutting or engraving in CO2 machine - calibration problem / Daniel

Power loss in cutting or engraving in CO2 machine - calibration problem / Daniel

The loss of cutting or engraving power in a C02 machine can be due to the fact that the calibration in the mirrors is not correct and the deviated laser beam is arriving and not  in the center of the third mirror in the horizontal calibration or it is hitting inside the nozzle in vertical calibration and is not concentric, in the center of the nozzle.

 To solve the problem, we must verify that the calibration is correct.


 To start the calibration.

Generate a pulse in the first mirror by placing an acrylic on the support of the first mirror with the double-sided tape and with a power of 20% as shown in the next video

Then generate pulses in the second mirror at points A and B by putting a power of 20 - 30%, and make them overlap, as shown in the following video,

 Generate pulses in the third mirror at points B and C making them overlap, placing a power of 20 - 30%, as shown in the following video,

For calibration at point C-D, remove the barrel and place a transparent tape to check if the impact is concentric using a power of 20 - 30%

then put the barrel back on and put the transparent tape on the mouthpiece and lower the power to 9-10% and pulse to check if the pulse is still concentric with the mouthpiece.


Finally, place an acrylic to verify that the beam is straight generating a pulse of 30% power.  As shown in the video.

In the following video you can identify how to move the screws of the first and second mirrors to make the pulses overlap