Precitec’s Driver Connections to BCL3766 - Fiber Laser / Engineer David

Precitec’s Driver Connections to BCL3766 - Fiber Laser / Engineer David

(LightCutter 2.0 BM12092 Laserhead)

The Precitec Driver has 12 pins and there´s only 9 that is going to use to communicate the driver with the machine.

As you can see in the picture:

Pin 1: 24v

Pin 2: 0v

Pin 3: 24v

Pin 4: 0v

Pin 5: No use

Pin 6: No use

Pin 7: JZero

Pin 8: JFocus

Pin 9: JError

Pin 10: No use

Pin 11: DA3+

Pin 12: DA3-

Now, connect those 12 cables in the next positions:


Pin 7: JZero goes to OUT18

Pin 8: JFocus goes to OUT19

Pin 9: JError goes to IN15

Pin 11: DA3+ goes to D2+

Pin 12: DA3- goes to D2-


Finally, connect the wires that came from pins 1 and 3, to 24v and the wires that came from the 2 and 4 pins to 0v.

Set the next settings on “CypConfig” to get ready the Laserhead

Fiber Laser Department