(BM114 Laserhead)
In the next picture is the picture about the driver for the Raytools Laserhead BM114 and in the following pictures the process to connect it to the motherboard and machine
These are the following wires that the driver works with:
Orange wire: Power for the laserhead
Green wire: Signal for the laserhead.
R1: Power for the driver
N: Neutro for the driver
GND: Ground
UP-LIM: Upper limit for Laserhead
DW-LIM: Lower Limit for laserhead
24v: 24 volts
0v: 0 volts
The first thing to do is connect the power of the driver to the machine, so, down to the main breakers of the machine are the contactors for the power:
And connect the ground on the ground section.
The second step is to connect the 4 little wires to the Motherboard, just like this on the left bottom corner:
24v to 24v OUT
0v to Y2 COM
DW-LIM to W-
UP-LIM to W+