Raycus 1.5kW connections to the machine / Juan David

Raycus 1.5kW connections to the machine / Juan David

The connections between the laser generator Raycus 1.5kW



This Laser Generator has these two cables:



It has two cables the Interface and AC Power supply, which needs to be connected:


1.     Interface: In this cable, needs to connect two cables to the Mother Board:


It has GND, which needs to be connected to pin 1 (RS 232), RX to pin 3 (RS 232) and TX to pin 4 (RS 232)



MOD + needs to be connected to the machine in PWM+ and MOD – needs to be connected to P-


2.     AC Power Supply: This generator needs to be connected to the power supply of the machine with the three phases, neutro and the ground like the following image

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