Start: Start the process
Pause: Pause the process
Dry cut: It is to make a physical simulation. The machine is going to make all the cutting process without laser and gas.
Stop: In case of emergy to stop the process.
Blow: Test the gas pressures.
Follow: Follow the material according to the capacitance.
Shutter: Turn ON/OFF the shutter.
Aiming: Get ready the laser source.
Back: Move back around the cut.
Forward: Move forward around the cut.
Laser: Make a pulse to center the beam on the laserhead.
K1: Open the clamp A on the Rotary to release the tube.
K2: Close the clamp A on the Rotary to hold the tube.
K3: Open the clamp B on the Rotary to release the tube.
K4: Close the clamp B on the Rotary to hold the tube.
Edge Seek: The machine it's going to make the "Edge Seek" function. Please check it on the software first. (Press and hold "Fn" to activate this button)
K5: Get Pallet A ready.
K6: Get Pallet B ready.
Fn: Complement button for the "Zero" and "Edge Seek" button.
W ccw: Move the rotary in ccw direction.
UP: Move the Laserhead backwards.
Z up: Move the Laserhead up.
Frame: Make a frame around the cut to make sure that you are going to cut inside the plate.
LEFT: Move the Laserhead to the left.
Zero: The machine is going to move to the Zero point of the cut (Press and hold "Fn" to activate this button)
RIGHT: Move the Laserhead to the right.
Fast: Move the machine Fast (Hold it and click the direction that you want to move)
W cw: Move the rotary in cw direction.
DOWN: Move the Laserhead to the front of the machine.
Z down: Move the Laserhead down.
Step: Move the machine Step by Step (Hold it and click the direction that you want to move)
Fiber Laser Department.