Succesful cut in both directions - Fiber Laser / David
Sometimes, the fiber laser can not cut in both directions, what does this problem mean? It means that the Fiber Laser can cut to the right but not to the left. For example:
Image 1. Succesful cut to the right
Image 2. Unsuccessful cut to the left
Therefore, to solve this problem you have to calibrate the machine servomotors.
1. Press click on "CNC", then "BCS100" and "F1" on the software to begin the calibration process:
Image 3. BCS100, Calibrate
2. Press "1" on the software:
Image 4. BCS100, Servo Calibration
3. Continue the process by pressing “ENT”:
Image 5. BCS100, Begin Calibration
4. Save the calibration with “ENT”
Image 6. BCS100, Calibration saved.
Once successful, test cut in both directions with some materials: if the problem persists please let us know using this contact support.
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