Step 1: Click on “Workspace print”, then select the “Workspace setting” box, image 1.
Image 1.
Step 2: In "Horz count" enter the number of columns and in "Vert count" the number of rows required for the workspace (Do not exceed the dimensions of the total printing area of the machine), image 2.
Image 2.
Step 3: In “Width” and “Height” enter the required dimension for the sections, image 3.
Image 3.
Step 4: In “Horz interval” and “Vert interval”, enter the spacing value between sections, image 4.
Image 4.
Step 5: Press “Ok” to obtain the configured Workspace, Image 5.
Image 5.
Step 6: Select one of the sections and press "Import" to import the print image, (Note: The size of each image is configured in Photoshop), image 6.
Image 6.
Step 7: If you want to print only the workspace sections, click on Print Workspace Frame, image 7.
Image 7.
Step 8: If you want to print the images located on the workspace, press “Print Workspace Picture”, image 8.
Image 8.