How to create a Workspace in RIPrint? / Stefhany

How to create a Workspace in RIPrint? / Stefhany


Step 1: Click on “Workspace print”, then select the “Workspace setting” box, image 1.

Image 1.

Step 2: In "Horz count" enter the number of columns and in "Vert count" the number of rows required for the workspace (Do not exceed the dimensions of the total printing area of ​​the machine), image 2.

Image 2.

Step 3: In “Width” and “Height” enter the required dimension for the sections, image 3.

Image 3.

Step 4: In “Horz interval” and “Vert interval”, enter the spacing value between sections, image 4.

Image 4.

Step 5: Press “Ok” to obtain the configured Workspace, Image 5.

Image 5.

Step 6: Select one of the sections and press "Import" to import the print image, (Note: The size of each image is configured in Photoshop), image 6.

Image 6.

Step 7: If you want to print only the workspace sections, click on Print Workspace Frame, image 7.

Image 7.

Step 8: If you want to print the images located on the workspace, press “Print Workspace Picture”, image 8.

Image 8.

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