Worktable Problem - Autofocus Sensor On / Daniel

Worktable Problem - Autofocus Sensor On / Daniel

AutoFocus sensor problem.

One of the frequent problems in a CO2 machine is the autofocus sensor, is the one that determines the movement and blocking of the work table and when activated it does not allow the table to move up, the very quick solution is to enter  the diagnostic menu and check if the zlimit sensor is activated In the following link, you can watch the video that explains the process

To do the procedure follow the following steps:


Press the Z / U key or the Menu key

Move to the diagnostic menu “Diagnoses +” and confirm with the Enter button. The Z limit

sensor must be activated

If so, a very quick solution is to disconnect the sensor if it has quick connectors, otherwise,

it would be necessary to desolder the tin to be able to release and make the change

One way to see if the inductive sensor has moved from its initial position is to disassemble the sensor

Then it is moved to its initial position, securing it with the screw very carefully without

tightening too much and fracturing the glass of the inductive sensor.

Finally, to verify that the sensor is working, the diagnostic menu is entered and the Zlimit
must be deactivated and only by pressing the tip of the autofocus sensor it must be activated

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