Fiber Laser
How to change the movement speed on fiber laser / Eng Carlos
the user can define the speeds according to their preferences to set it, we use the check box located on the right side. when the fast checkbox is selected, we can set the fast speed we recommend 35m/min ( 22 in/s) when the fast checkbox is ...
How to fix axis 4soft Limit alarm/ Eng Carlos
This error occurs when the focus is at one of the limits. to eliminate it, we use the arrows located on the right side. if the error shows the negative limit press the plus symbol if the error shows the positive limit press the minus symbol After, ...
1500w Galvanized Cutting Parameters Fast Guide Fiber Laser / Engineer David
0.5 mm 0.6 mm 0.8mm 0.9mm 1.2 mm 1.5 mm 2.6 mm 3.0 mm Fiber Laser Department
Conexiones del recolector de aire en las maquinas Fly / Engineer David
Como puede observar en la imagen, el recolector de aire necesita 7 salidas y 7 entradas de aire. De izquierda a derecha (Salidas 1 a 6 y salida del cilindro) conecte las salidas en la parte de arriba. De izquierda a derecha (Entradas 1 a 6 y ...
Dust collector Air conections to the Fly Machine / Engineer David
As you can see in the picture, there are 7 outlets and 7 inlets. From left to the right (1 to 6 outlets and outlet cylinder) connect the outlets on the top. From left to the right (1 to 6 inlets and inlet cylinder) connect the inlets on the bottom ...
Conexiones del tanque de aceite en la Fly Pro / Engineer David
Como puee observar en la figura, el tanque de aceite trabaja con una fase, un neutro y una tierra. Adionalmente, el cable 0v y la senal E03 dan la orden al sistema de autolubricacion enviar la cantidad de aceite requerida a la maquina Fiber Laser ...
Oil tank connections on Fly Pro Machine / Engineer David
As you can see in the picture, there are one hot phase, one neutral and one ground. The 0v wire and the E03 signal wire give the signal to the machine to make the autolubrication. Fiber Laser Department
Instalacion de las correas de las puertas en la Space Saver / Engineer David
1. Prepare las piezas necesarias para la instalacion: 2. Coloque las correas adentro de la maquina justo debajo de los engranajes. 3. Retire las siguientes dos piezas y utilicelas para empalmar ambos lados de la correa: 4. Apiete el tornillo ...
Belt's installation on Space Saver / Engineer David
1. Take off the following pieces of the box: 2. Put the belt inside the machine according to the gears. 3. Take off these two pieces and put both ends of the belts on it: 4. Tight the tensor screw: 5. Connect the belt to the front door. Fiber ...
Cutting Speed Fiber Laser / Carlos
Cutting Speed Fast Cutting speed When the cutting parameters are been set and the cutting speed is too fast it may cause the following consequences: 1. Impossible to penetrate, with sparks spraying 2. Some areas can be penetrated, but ...
Interface Connection IPG Laser Source (3.0kW – 6.0kW) / Juan David
Interface Connection IPG Laser Source (3.0kW – 6.0kW) The following are the instruction to connect and make the interface cable for data communication between IPG Laser Source to the machine: 1. From Main Board in OUT 5 (NO) make a wire cable to pin ...
Interface Connection IPG 1.5 / Juan David
Interface Connection IPG Laser Source (1.5kW – 2.0kW) The following are the instruction to connect and make the interface cable for interface (25 pin) cable and interlock (12 pin) between IPG Laser Source to the machine: Interface (25 pin) ...
Sengfeng Main Control Panel / Juan David
Senfeng Main Machine control panel Senfeng machines has a main control panel which allows to control the machine with emergency stop, servo switch, electrical switch. This switch needs to be connected with the following instructions: 1. ...
Conexiones cabezal Raytools BM114 Video / Engineer David
A continuacion se encuentra el video explicativo de como conectar las mangueras del agua en un cabezal Raytools BM114: La presion del aire asistido puede ser ajustada por una valvula ...
Conexiones Cabezal Raytools BM109 Video / Engineer David
A continuacion se encuentra el video explicativo de como conectar las mangueras del agua en un cabezal Raytools BM109: Este seguro de que las mangueras estan conectadas correctamente; ...
Raytools BM114 Connections / Engineer David
Here is the following video that shows how to connect the water hoses to the BM114 Raytools laserhead. The pressure of the assistant air can be adjusted from the valve that came from ...
Raytools BM109 Connections / Engineer David
Here is the following video that shows how to connect the water hoses to the BM109 Raytools laserhead. Make sure that all the hoses are connected good, when you turn on the chiller ...
Conexiones de Chiller CWFL 3000 / Engineer David
1. Aliste agua destilada o una mezcla de agua destilada y refrigerante color verde si las temperaturas del sitio son menores a 40 F. Verifique la cantidad de acuerdo al tipo de chiller. 2. Realice las conexiones electricas y de señal de la siguiente ...
Conexiones Chiller CWFL 4000 / Engineer David
1. Aliste agua destilada o una mezcla de agua destilada y refrigerante color verde si las temperaturas del sitio son menores a 40 F. Verifique la cantidad de acuerdo al tipo de chiller. 2. Realice las conexiones electricas y de señal de la siguiente ...
Conexiones Electricas del regulador en la FLY Pro 3015 / Engineer David
El siguiente video muestra como debe conectar la maquina, el chiller, el generador laser y el transformador al regulardor de voltaje en una maquina FLY Pro 3015. Tenga precaucion de medir los voltajes, utilice guantes y un tester de buena calidad ...
CWFL 4000 Chiller Connections / Engineer David
1. Get distilled water or half and half of the distilled water and antifreeze green if the temperatures on the site are under 40 F. Check the quantity with the label of the chiller. 2. The electrical connection needs to be like this: As you can see ...
CWFL 3000 Chiller connections / Engineer David
1. Get distilled water or half and half of the distilled water and antifreeze green if the temperatures on the site are under 40 F. Check the quantity with the label of the chiller. 2. The electrical connection needs to be like this: As you can see ...
Regulator Electric connections ' FLY Pro 3015 Video / Engineer David
The following video shows how do you have to connect the machine, chiller, resonator, and transformer to the regulator on a FLY pro 3015 If you are going to measure the voltages, make sure that you have your gloves on and use a good tester. ...
Optimizacion de corte en CypCut (Cooling point) / Engineer David
El cooling point o punto de refrigeración ayuda al material a bajar las temperaturas durante el corte. Cuando la maquina esta cortando y pasa por un punto de refrigeración se va a detener y va continuar empujando el gas para refrigerar ese punto del ...
Optimizacion de corte en CypCut (Compensate) / Engineer David
1. Seleccione el diseño y haga click en "Compensate" 2. Realice click en "Compensate" y coloque la anchura (Width) que necesita compensar en el corte de acuerdo a su necesidad: Cuando cree la compensación del corte va a observar una linea blanca ...
Cut optimization on CypCut (Lead) / Engineer David
1. Click on "Lead" 3. To create the entrance directly to the cut you have to use the next settings: The length depends of your design and your material, we recommend to use a length with at least the thickness of the material. To create an ...
Precitec - video de conexiones de agua al cabezal / Engineer David
A continuacion se encuentra el video explicativo de como conectar las mangueras del agua en un cabezal precitec: Recuerde que la manguera negra que dice "Side Blowing" is para el aire ...
Precitec - Laserhead water connections video / Engineer David
Here is the following video that shows how to connect the water hoses to the precitec laserhead. Remember that the Black hose that says "Side Blowing" is for the assistant air to ...
Cut optimization on CypCut (Cooling point) / Engineer David
The cooling point helps the material to cool down the temperature during the cut. When it is cutting and it goes through the cooling point it is going to stop there and is going to keep blowing gas to cool down do the material and reduce the ...
Optimizacion de corte en CypCut (Lead) / Engineer David
1. Realice click en "Lead" 2. Para crear la entrada del laser drectamente al diseño que se va a cortar utilice la siguiente configuración: El largo (Length) de la entrada del laser depende del material, se recomienda utilizar una longitud de al ...
Tiempo de intervalo de lubricación de aceite en la Fibra Laser / Engineer David
1. Cierre el software de operación y abra "CypConfig" (Software de configuración) Luego digite la clave "61259023" 2. Despues, de click en "Outport" 3. En la sección de "Auto Lubricate", cambie el intervalo de tiempo a 2880 4. Por ultimo, de click en ...
Oil time interval on Fiber Laser / Engineer David
1. Close the operation software and open "CypConfig" (Configuration software) Then, digit the password "61259023" 2. Then, go to "Outport" 3. In the "Auto Lubricate" section, change the interval to 2880 4. Then, Click on Save and close the ...
Relación de los grosores más usados en milímetros, AWG y pulgadas para máquinas de corte de fibra laser
TÍTULO: Relación de los grosores más usados en milímetros, AWG y pulgadas para máquinas de corte de fibra laser. AUTOR: Ing. Fidel Certuche
Presion de los Gases para corte de metal en Fibra Laser / Engineer David
Nitrogeno 280psi Maximo Oxigeno 120psi Aire asistido como refrigeracion 120psi Flujo: Nitrogeno 250CFM si se esta cortando media pulgada de acero inoxidable y utilizando una boquilla de 5.0. 20CFM para cortar laminas delgadas. Oxigeno 20CFM Maximo ...
Gas Pressures for the operation of a Fiber Laser / Engineer David
Nitrogen 280psi Max Oxygen 120psi Shop air (assistant air) 120psi For the flow rate: Nitrogen 250CFM if you are cutting half inch of stainless steel using a 5.0 nozzle. 20CFM for the thinner sheets. Oxygen 20CFM Max Fiber Laser Department
How to open plastic chain cable carrier / Carlos Rodriguez
Plastic chain cable carrier Tools: Flat Screwdriver Keep in mind the marked signal to force with the screwdriver The following link shows the correct way to open the plastic chain cable carrier: ...
Apertura de Cadena portacable / Carlos Rodriguez
Cadena Portacable Herramientas necesarias Destornillador plano Tener presente la señal demarcada para forzar con el destornillador En el siguiente enlace se muestra la manera correcta para la apertura de la cadena portacable plastica: ...
IPG Laser Generator 2.0kW connections to the machine / Juan David
IPG Laser Generator 2.0kW, this laser generator has two cables: Interlock and Interface The Interface Cable is a 25 Pin connector with the following schematic: Interlock cable is a 12 pin connector, which both of them (Interface and Interlock) ...
Raycus 1.5kW connections to the machine / Juan David
The connections between the laser generator Raycus 1.5kW This Laser Generator has these two cables: It has two cables the Interface and AC Power supply, which needs to be connected: 1. Interface: In this cable, needs to connect two ...
Configuracion puertos IP / Carlos Rodriguez - Juan David Prado
¿por qué se necesita configurar manualmente la dirección IP de la maquina? Este proceso se realiza con el fin de que obtenga la misma dirección IP todas y cada una de las veces que inicie la maquina. Cuando la maquina esta conectada a un enrutador ...
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