Fiber Laser
How to upload a file and send it to cut? / Engineer David
1. Go to file and click on "Import" or "Open" if you have a file already saved from the software In this case, you have to click on "Import DXF file..." 2. Select the design and Press "Open" 3. Then, click on "Layer" 4. Click on "Open" to set the ...
Cambiar idioma al compresor de aire / Engineer David
1. Presione el boton "Move Down" 2. Ubiquese en la siguiente opcion utilizando las flechas "Enter" 3. Presione "Move down" hasta que vea la siguiente pantalla y presione "Enter" 4. Luego, debe digitar la clave "0903" para poder acceder al menu de ...
How to change the language on the Air Compressor / Engineer David
1. Press the button "Move Down" 2. Move to the second option and Press "Enter" 3. Press "Move down" untill see this option on the screen, then press "Enter" 4. Then, you have to write the password "0903" to change the language using the arrows to set ...
Como manejar el control remoto de la Fibra Laser? / Engineer David
Start: Comenzar el proceso de corte. Pause: Pausar el proceso de corte. Dry cut: La maquina realizara una simulacion fisica, es decir va a realizar un recorrido de corte sin laser y sin gas. Stop: En caso de emergencia, parar el corte. Blow: Probar ...
Remote Control Fiber Laser / Engineer David
Start: Start the process Pause: Pause the process Dry cut: It is to make a physical simulation. The machine is going to make all the cutting process without laser and gas. Stop: In case of emergy to stop the process. Blow: Test the gas pressures. ...
How to connect the light curtain to a FLY4020 / Engineer David
In the following video we are going to show show you how to connect the light curtain to the machine. Fiber Laser Department
Variacion de Parámetros fibra laser 3KW para hot roll steel 0.375 in (9.5 mm) / Carlos Rodriguez
El siguiente artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos de la variación de los parámetros de corte por una máquina de fibra láser de 3kw, el objetivo es obtener una buena calidad de corte en placas de en hot roll steel de 0.375 in (9.5 mm) de ...
RAYTOOLS BT240 LASERHEAD/Engineer Fidel Certuche
RAYTOOLS BT240 LASERHEAD Figure 1 shows the water cooling connections coming from the chiller and the gas inlet in the BT240 laser head. Fig 1: Water cooling and gas connections in BT240 laser head Source: User manual BT240 One of the main ...
RAYTOOLS BM109 LASERHEAD/ Engineer Fidel Certuche
RAYTOOLS BM109 LASERHEAD Figure 1 illustrates the general structure of the BM109 laser head and following the illustration is a brief explanation of the main parts. Fig 1: General structure BM109 laser head Source: User manual BM109 Collimated water ...
3000w CS Cutting parameters Fast Guide - Fiber Laser / Engineer David
This is a fast guide with some parameters for thicker stuff of carbon steel. Test it and make the changes if it´s necessary. 3.2mm CS 4.5mm CS 6mm CS 10mm CS 12mm CS 18mm CS Fiber Laser Department
FLY 3015 Shield Assembly - Fiber Laser / Engineer David
Metal structure Shield Guide Fiber Laser Department
Faster Guide to install a Space Saver - Fiber Laser / Engineer David
1st Day 1. Take off the holders that hold the gantry 2. Install the computer 3. Make the levelation 4. Change the Laserhead driver if it´s necessary. 5. Put the arms inside the resonator cabinet and place it on the machine 6. Put the white arms on ...
Ray Tools Driver Connections to BCL3766 - Fiber Laser / Engineer David
(BM114 Laserhead) In the next picture is the picture about the driver for the Raytools Laserhead BM114 and in the following pictures the process to connect it to the motherboard and machine These are the following wires that the driver works with: ...
Precitec’s Driver Connections to BCL3766 - Fiber Laser / Engineer David
(LightCutter 2.0 BM12092 Laserhead) The Precitec Driver has 12 pins and there´s only 9 that is going to use to communicate the driver with the machine. As you can see in the picture: Pin 1: 24v Pin 2: 0v Pin 3: 24v Pin 4: 0v Pin 5: No use Pin 6: No ...
How to change the language on the BCS100? - Fiber Laser / Engineer David
The first thing to do is to go to “CNC” and Click on “BCS100”, then follow the next steps: 1. Press F2 2. Press 8 3. Press 1 4. Press ENT 5. Press 1 6. Press ENT to finish Fiber Laser Department
Temperature and reflection vs Materials - Fiber Laser / Engineer David
Before start to cut, there are some things that the installer and operators need to know about the relation of materials with the temperature which means that we have three basic important concepts need to understand. The first one is the melting or ...
IPG resonator connections to BCL3766 - Fiber Laser / Engineer David
For the IPG you will have two wire groups to connect to the machine. The first one is the power wire and the second one is the communication. 1. Connect the power cable in the breaker inside the machine: The three phases to the breaker and the ground ...
FLY 3015 Electric connections / Engineer David
This simple diagram will help you to understand how to make the connections for the electric and power part for the machine: If you have to install the dust collector ask for help Fiber Laser Department
Space Saver Electric Connections / Engineer David
This simple diagram will help you to understand how to make the connections for the electric and power part for the machine: Fiber Laser Department
BCS100 IP address configuration / Daniel - David
When the Fiber Laser has a problem " network time out" and the BCS100 is not working, that is because the IP address is lost Follow This steps to solve the problem Step 1 - Get machine online. Go to network property to find out at least two network ...
Succesful cut in both directions - Fiber Laser / David
Sometimes, the fiber laser can not cut in both directions, what does this problem mean? It means that the Fiber Laser can cut to the right but not to the left. For example: Image 1. Succesful cut to the right Image 2. Unsuccessful cut to the left ...
Garantizar el corte en ambas direcciones - Fibra Laser / David
En ocasiones, la Fibra Láser puede llegar a presentar una falla poco habitual y esta es que el corte en ambas direcciones no lo realiza, es decir, puede cortar hacia la derecha pero no a la izquierda o viceversa. Por ejemplo: Imagen 1. Corte a la ...